Virtkick blog

Cloud news and hosting stories

Investments, Limited Release and Upcoming Features

Lots of good news coming from the Virtkick team with investments flowing in, Virtkick early access instances running at several hosting companies and more features being developed as you read this post. Onwards!

Firstly, we've secured nearly $1,000,000 in funding from venture capital firms & angel investors, so right now we're focusing on developing new features and making sure your customers and you will love using Virtkick.

Secondly, more than 400 of you have requested Virtkick early access to try out, from one-man companies to bigger enteprises - and we've launched more than 20 early release instances so far. We've sent a newsletter out to all new adopters with updates and we're contacting everyone on the list about the details.

Current Virtkick's version is perfectly suited to testing and introducing your customers to Virtkick, with the crucial billing update - making it production-ready - coming out in less than next few weeks.

We feel that all those numbers are impressive - and there is more! Here are three short screencasts showcasing Virtkick's core features and the beautiful and simple user interface:

Creating new Virtual Machine

Admin Panel inside-out

Custom CSS (Appearance) Module

Plus, we've got two new people on the team - Radek is our frontline front-end designer, aiding Wojtek with the app design, drawing and painting in his spare time.

Dragos is a developer and sports addict, working closely with Rush and Joe, crafting the slick Virtkick backend.

Apart from the incoming billing module, we're working on an on-site FAQ and a series of "What is Virtkick?" blog posts as well to show why you should start using Virtkick today. And a number of new features which we'll announce shortly.

Stay tuned - request early release and follow us on Twitter @Virtkick!

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Mirek Wozniak
I do marketing, sales and bits of coding @Virtkick.
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