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(De)websockify SSH to avoid lockdown in hotel rooms

At Virtkick we are using http-master to proxy VNC over web sockets but it can be used also in much more interesting ways. Consider this config loaded by http-master:

# config.yaml

      "*": "redirect -> https://[1]/[path]"
        "": "websockify -> 22" # THIS!
        "*": 8080
      primaryDomain: ""
      certDir: "/etc/http-master/certs"

I won't dwelve on specific config entries, but let's stop at the "websockify" one. The way it works in this setup is that whenever anyone creates a web socket, let's say in JavaScript...

var ws = new WebSocket("wss://");

... this opens a connection from http-master to SSH over TCP port 22. From this moment all the data events flying both ways will map to TCP reads and writes and essentially the WebSocket can be treated like a TCP socket. One day some brave soul will compile openssh-client in Emscripten and it will just work from the browser. However there is other way to use this.

Meet dewebsockify

Make sure you have node.js installed, and install:

npm install -g dewebsockify

It basically works on same principle as the sockify function in http-master but the reverse way, so...

dewebsockify "wss://" 2222

This creates a local 2222 TCP socket which maps to the remote 22 TCP socket. Essentially it is an equivalent of ...

ssh -L 2222:localhost:22

... but it's all sent over HTTPS and what's most important it doesn't disturb the normal operation of the server.

Let's connect to our ssh ...

$ ssh localhost -p 2222

With http-master on your server and as long as you have HTTP or HTTPS, you can always stay connected.

Setting up universal SSH gateway

Instead of having config entry

 "" : "websockify -> 22"

change it to

"*/*" : "websockify -> [1]:[2]"

Now whenever you do:

dewebsockify "wss://" 2222

It will hook up any remote TCP port, not only SSH to a local one. You can read up on http-master's docs how to add authentication to any route, including web sockets.

We will follow up in a later blog post how exactly do we use http-master. Stay tuned.

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Damian Kaczmarek (Rush)
Co-founder, C++ & Node.js Developer
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