Virtkick is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) VPS control panel. Your customers will use Virtkick to buy, create and run virtual machines.
What technology do you use, how does Virtkick work?
We use KVM and Libvirt. You connect your dedicated servers (hypervisors) via IP & SSH to the Virtkick panel so your customers can create VMs.
Do I have to configure anything?
No! All we need is a fresh server with Centos 7 on it (physical, or virtualized with ESXi). Virtkick will turn your server into a fully usable hypervisor.
Which payments do you accept?
Virtkick uses Stripe to accept all major credit cards. We also support Paypal payments. We are working on Bitcoin support.
Can Virtkick be white-labeled?
Yes. You can change Virtkick to your company’s logos and colors and provide a custom domain.
What can I do with Virtkick?
In short: sell VPS. You connect your dedicated servers to Virtkick panel and let your customers in. Provide IP Pools so your customers can connect to the Internet. You manage users’ roles. Receive payments. Provide support. Talk with customers. And much more, coming soon.
What are the main features?
Virtual Machine management. IP Pools handling. In-app white-labelling. Integrated billing. Integrated support. Custom ISO management.
Do you provide ready to use images?
Yes! We currently provide ready to use images for Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, OpenSUSE, Arch Linux, and more to come soon.
What OS distributions do you support?
Whatever KVM supports - so virtually any OS. You can add any ISO image for use by your customers including GNU/Hurd.
Do you support Windows Server images?
We don’t yet have ready to use images for Windows Server. However, please let us know if you have Windows images, we’ll see what we can do for you.
What’s coming next?
Bandwidth limiting. Engagement marketing emails. 3rd-party integrations. Bitcoin payments Hourly plans. Coupons. GitHub and Google Apps sign-in. IPv6. DNS. RevDNS. WHMCS/Blesta login integration. Live chat.
What type of 3rd party addons will be added in the future?
Server monitoring, DNS management, status page (e.g., fraud prevention, email marketing (MailChimp) and more.
How do my customers pay?
Your customers enter payment details before creating a VM and get charged for the service (a minimum of $5) after VM is created and successfully starts. Your customers see your logo, colors, name and company data on the invoice. We do not communicate with your customers, we just provide a panel. Your customer is yours.
How do I earn money?
You connect your Stripe (for credit card payments) and Braintree (for PayPal payments) account to the panel and all the money your customers pay for VMs will go directly there. You will be able to use Stripe and PayPal panels to see detailed information about your customers and transactions.
What do I get for my subscription?
We take care of your Virtkick panel with all the features included. We develop, maintain and host it, so you can focus on making your customers happy.
What happens if a credit card transaction is disputed?
We are doing our best to avoid fraud but it can’t be totally bypassed - it just happens. Whenever a dispute is started you will need to check the details with Stripe / PayPal. If they find the dispute legitimate, they will withdraw the disputed balance along with some penalty fee from your account. If not, the money will be returned back to you.
Stripe / PayPal is not available in my country. Can I still use Virtkick?
Yes, you can. If you don't provide your own Stripe / PayPal keys we will collect money on your behalf and send it to you once a month. Virtkick, Inc. will be listed on the invoice as the seller for legal reasons.
What exactly happens after I connect my server to Virtkick?
We upgrade all packages in the system, install required packages (e.g. libvirt), download server specifications (RAM, CPU cores, storage), install an image synchronization agent, install our public key and tune several configuration files to reduce latency (e.g. “UseDNS no” in sshd_config).
Does Virtkick take care of server hardening?
Not yet. You’re free to do it yourself. However, please “PermitRootLogin yes” before the setup process, and “PermitRootLogin prohibit-password“ after it’s done. If you intend to use SELinux, please set the mode to permissive.
How much RAM needs to be reserved for hypervisor etc, in other words how much RAM can be utilized for VMs?
100% of the RAM you provide is utilized for VMs. Do make sure to provide at least 8GB RAM though for best end-user experience.
What happens when I stop using Virtkick?
Virtual machines stay on your dedicated servers and are fully operable and usable by your customers. We don’t shut them down or delete. They’re your customers and you can serve them by whatever means. Be sure to export your customer data and sales reports from the panel.